
There is some brilliant HD footage of the NexGen Tour (currently taking place in the States) here: - be sure to check it out.

Here's hoping we create a few moment of glory in 2 weeks time...

Force Fate - a nice idea!

Highlights of the USA Ultimate Championships 2010.

Hewitt rolls back the years at Wimbledon yesterday with a pretty sweet little 'layout' shot.

These young fellas are pretty good at the frisbee. Our very own Conor Hogan played against most of them and said: 'They were unreal. I want to be them'. 

A ridiculous American Football catch. Thanks to JD Coakley for the link!

Three posts in a day. Wow. This video is another Nike one called 'Defy'. They're good at these...

If you miss the disc, make sure you don't miss the man. Pretty sure that's what captain Niall 'Squeaky Clean' Harbourne keeps saying right?! To prove his point (with which I would never agree)...

A video that's been doing the rounds of late. Not the best quality, but you'll get the idea. Pretty decent grab!

'My better is better than your better'


Another motivational video, that despite starring Arsenal's Theo Walcott (I'm a Spurs fan), is pretty damn good.

'The Rise of the Swiss' is the name of PushPass' latest DVD due to the strong performance of teams in both divisions at this year's EUCF in Spain. We palyed the Swiss in 2007 and they were a class apart. They've only been getting better too. The question is, can they improve on bronze? I think so...

We don't like cricket, we love it. Especially when the Irish team beats the English team (but fails to do much else!). The World Cup is brilliant, as is the catch show here by Jesse Ryder, one of the New Zealand Black Caps.

Another gem from Nike. How quick are you gonna get up?

The 'famous' flick, under the body greatest by a JAM player from back in the day. Note the commentator - old school US dude - 'there might be a higher power at work'. Haha. Good lad.

Maybe not the same quality of camera, or standard of tournament, or venue as Andrew Flemming's 'Best Catch in the World in all sports bar none', but still a ridiculously good catch by a savage player who now also plays for Sockeye. And his shorts fell off. Ha.

Powerful beyond measure. Some people love these videos, some people think they're utterly rubbish. Personally, I can't get enough of them. Cheers to Ferg at Clapham for this one.

More Ultivillage highlights - this one from the Buzz Bullets tournament the Dram Cup which they sponsored Sockeye to take part in. The musics rubbish, but not as bad as the fields...

A top quality highlight reel with daycent tunes and some pretty impressive Ultimate.

Last summer saw three of the Open team take part in EUCF (Spain). Rory Kavanagh and Padraig McMorrow picked up with Die 7 Schwaben (Stuttgart) (as did DU's Kev Timoney) and Cian O'Morain played with his club, UK Champions, Clapham. Dublin Ultimate's coach, Peter Sandin, was also present, representing his Swedish team, Skogshyddan. Flying Angels Bern (Switzerland) took the gold medals in the Open Division, beating Skogs in a tight final. Below is a highlight reel from Push Pass, the UK-based DVD company run by Felix Shardlow. No doubt we'll meet many of these players on our way to, and indeed, at EUC 2011.

A woeful pitch. A bitter rivalry. A very familiar looking Swedish no. 12, and some old school, poor quality footage complete with tension-enhancing tunes. EUC 2003 saw GB take gold in 3 of 5 divisions (and silver in the other 2!) and this 3minute clip shows how the Open team did it against the Swedes (along with some random images spliced in from other games).

Japan's Buzz Bullets with an amusing and typically Japanese/eccentric display of skills and team banter.

If/when we are subject to an extensive documentary charting our progress from motley crew to internationals stars, the video will go up here. Image rights allowing naturally.

We'll also add any sort of inspirational or Ultimate themed videos.

For now, here's a wee nugget from EUC 2007.